gruff tide medicinals

logo for "gruff tide medicinals" is of a aloe vera plant to the far left and a pigeon walking, not facing the viewer(s) on the far right. there are two curling lines above and below the aloe and pigeon.

I have spent the last seven years studying herbal medicine and there is an ocean of knowledge still before me. My teachers have been primarily those studied and steeped in Appalachian, Jewish (Ashkenazi), Cherokee (Anigiduwagi), Lakota, pagan, Chinese (TCM), and/or African diasporic (primarily Caribbean) medicines. I have learned from many traditions and teachers, whose names I hold close to my heart (Karen Rose, Leah Larabell, Mama Tortuga) and those names I have sadly forgotten or never knew. It is against my ethics as a white person to ever charge** for herbal medicine because almost all of the deeply rooted knowledges I have absorbed are from cultures other than my own ancestral or cultural lineage. I strive to be generous with the knowledge I carry about plant medicine, as those teachers were generous in sharing their knowledge with me. I can offer information on herbal infusions, salves, and tinctures to support somatic ailments or protections, primarily basing my recommendations off of abundant, locally sourced plants and/or fungi. In many cases, I can share teas and tinctures I have already prepared. I also often consult with herbalists in my network as an accountability practice, and I will always provide contraindications for any herbs I share information about. Please email me at alexandrakaxel[at] if you’d like to consult about herbal protocols or catch me handing out teas at distro with Solidarity Jersey City.

**If you end up receiving any plant medicine information or services, in lieu of payment to me, please make a donation to, or volunteer with, the Munsee Three Sisters Farm.

a solitary bee is clinging to the bright yellow flowers of goldenrod. the background is out of focus but there appears to be more goldenrod.